PetWill Radio

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Increase in Personal Needs Allowance

     Pursuant to Medicaid eligibility requirements, an individual receiving Institutional Care Program (“ICP”) Medicaid may only retain a limited portion of their monthly income to pay for those personal expenses not covered by Medicaid.  The income kept by the Medicaid recipient is known as the personal needs allowance.  The balance of the Medicaid recipient’s income is used to pay the nursing home where the individual resides.  Prior to July 1, 2014, the personal needs allowance was $35.00.  This is the money the Medicaid recipient could use to purchase those things that Medicaid does not pay for such as haircuts, meals dining out, gifts for family members, etc.  In this day and age, $35.00 per month does not go very far.  This problem was recently recognized by and addressed by the Florida Legislature. 
     General Appropriations Act (House Bill 5001), signed by the Governor on June 2, 2014 and effective July 1, 2014, increased the personal needs allowance from $35.00 per month to $105.00 per month.  This is the first increase to the personal needs allowance in the history of ICP Florida Medicaid that we are aware of.  The increase is especially relevant for those Medicaid recipients who fund a Qualified Income Trust (“QIT”) each month in order to maintain their Medicaid eligibility.  Those individuals should be aware that the increase may change the amount of income to be funded to the QIT.
     If you have any questions related to the increase in the personal needs allowance or regarding ICP Medicaid in general, please contact the Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan at (407) 977-8080.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Update On VA Benefits For Same-Sex Married Couples - Lawyers for Wartime Veterans

Here's a recent update on VA benefits for same sex married couples.  This area of the law is changing and as each state reviews their position on same sex marriage, will continue to change.

If you have questions about Florida's law related to same sex couples or unmarried couples, please don't hesitate to give us a call!

Update On VA Benefits For Same-Sex Married Couples - Lawyers for Wartime Veterans

Watch for upcoming workshops - "Loving Without A License - An Estate Planning Survival Guide for Same Sex Couples and Unmarried Partners" 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Breaking News! Personal Needs Allowance for Nursing Home Residents Increased!

          Effective July 1, 2014, a bill was passed by the Florida Legislature, increasing the Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) for nursing home residents. The PNA, per individual, will increase from $35 to $105 per month beginning with the July 2014 eligibility budget. The PNA, per couple, will increase from $70 to $210 per month. The PNA, for Supplement Security Income (SSI) only nursing home residents, will increase from $5 to $75 per month.

This is the first time in Medicaid history there has been an increase in the Personal Needs Allowance.  What this means is nursing home residents can keep more of their income each month and their patient responsibility - what they pay to the nursing home - will decrease.

This is very good news.  The PNA is intended to be used for those things that Medicaid does not pay for - things like haircuts, toiletries, clothing, bank fees, etc.  If you are unsure an expense falls under these guidelines, be sure and ask.  As a result of the PNA increase, it is important funds are monitored to ensure assets remain below the $2,000 asset limitation at least one day every month in order to maintain continued Medicaid eligibility. 

If you have questions or concerns about Medicaid eligibility, please feel free to contact us!

The Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan
254 Plaza Drive
Oviedo, Florida  32765

Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks : Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

This is the time of year when it is really important to protect your pets - thunder storms, fireworks, etc.  Check out this article by the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando for some holiday safety tips for your pets.  

Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks : Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando