PetWill Radio

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Estate Planning Document You Need Now!

Now that the holiday season is in full swing, if you are preparing to travel, don’t forget these important legal documents you need to include in your suitcase.  We never think an accident or illness will happen while away from home. Are you prepared? There are two legal documents you will want to have a copy of in case of an emergency. 

First, your Healthcare Power of Attorney (also known as a health care proxy or surrogate) is a Durable Power of Attorney specifically designed to name someone you trust to make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to do so. When choosing a health care agent, select someone who will keep your best interests and wishes in mind.  Not all powers of attorney are created equal, so be sure you bring your Healthcare Power of Attorney and not your Financial Durable Power of Attorney.  

Second, your Living Will (also known as an advance medical directive) is a declaration setting forth your wishes regarding how you want to be treated with respect to life prolonging medical procedures. A Living Will applies in situations where you are unable to make your own decision, you have either a terminal condition, end stage condition or are in a persistent vegetative state and your doctors have determined there is no reasonable medical probability of your recovery.  If these elements are present, then your Living Will says you do not want to be kept alive by life prolonging procedures (respiration, hydration or nutrition) but you will accept a procedure or medication that will alleviate your pain or provide comfort care.  

Your healthcare documents will not do you any good if no one knows about them; you will need to talk with the person you designate in them to make sure they know where you keep them. If you are travelling, put a copy in your suitcase or save a copy to one of the many cloud storage programs available today.  

Remember, your Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will go into effect if you meet specific medical criteria and are unable to make decisions for yourself. If you do not have these valuable planning tools, feel free to contact The Law Officesof Hoyt & Bryan today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced attorneys.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call The Law Offices of Hoyt &Bryan at (407) 977-8080 or visit our website Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How to bequeath Emblem3 to loved ones - MarketWatch

My friend Jack Tatar explains how important and difficult it may be to plan for your digital assets.  This includes your blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn and other online profiles you may have.  It is easy to overlook something we use every day and take for granted.  Many of the social media sites you use may have their own rules for what happens to your online presence in the event of your death.  You agreed to those rules when you created your profile - and I don't know anyone who has actually read what they've agreed to.

Be sure and create a comprehensive password list and keep it updated.  Make sure the people you asked to fill in the helper roles - agent under your power of attorney, personal representative or executor of your will, successor trustee to your trust - all know where to find this valuable information.

For more information, read my latest book "What's the Deal With...Estate Planning" published by People Tested Publishing. 

How to bequeath Emblem3 to loved ones - MarketWatch